Consumption Z-Score

The parallel coordinates chart represent the z-score, or standard score (how far the annual consumption of an ingredient diverged from its average consumption over the 48-year period represented in the chart).

The table under the parallel coordinates chart contains the color key, categories, units of measure used, the minimum and maximum consumption, the mean, and the tabular raw consumption values. Scrolling over particular ingredients in the table mutes all other lines on the chart. Likewise, brushing a particular region on the an x-axis on the chart hides all other ingredients in the table.

At the bottom are two pop-up facets: a timeline of when the elector was present in Königsberg and a filter to isolate one or more food category in the chart. Click on “Category” to remove a food group and “Select all categories” to reset the chart.

See the bar chart to view the consumption data by food categories.

Koenigsberg Food Resource

*The Königsberg Foodstuffs Database is the work of Molly Taylor-Poleskey and Jason Heppler while part of Stanford University’s Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis from 2014-2016. Sage Shuster revived the database with funds from Middle Tennessee State University’s Public History Program in 2021. Taylor-Poleskey collected and translated the data from the Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz (GStA PK) Ostpreussische Folianten 13091-13122 with a 2011-2012 Graduate Research Fellowship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).